Thursday, March 05, 2015

San Francisco Diary // Day 5 + 6

We've reached the end of my San Francisco Diary blog posts and I could cry just thinking about how much I miss it. The last 2 days (5 + 6)were spent hiking around, eating a lot and taking it all in. I love that you can walk anywhere and everywhere and find so many hidden gems. Also, I wasn't really ready for a hike *note the baby blue purse I was rocking* but it was honestly such a beautiful trip and I am definitely making it a point to go back sooner than later! 

Click the READ MORE button to see the last round of photos from my vacay! 

 Finally tried the infamous Philz Coffee and am so heartbroken that I became so attached to it! 

It started out as trying to find a public restroom and ended up in this glorious scenery. 

Naturally I needed a cheesy pic for my momma'!
Came across these turtles while we were peddle-boarding! 

 Picked up this book at a local book store for the plane ride home!
Making it a goal to travel more.
Until next time, San Francisco!

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