Monday, April 30, 2012


I'll admit it: sometimes I lose myself. I get wrapped up in the chaos of life and forget about how beautiful self-growth can be. From running on 'E' because of school to the stresses of post grad life and everything in between, it's great to go back to your roots and realize that all is not evil. So here I am.
"You're your own problem and your own solution too" - Bridesmaids


Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I've been updating more frequently...yay! Anyways, today was one of those days where I wanted to lay in bed all day and not do anything, which caused me to run late and throw on the most random pieces together; I surprisingly liked the outcome. Who said that short people can't wear maxi skirts? With that, I was going to wear my wedges but realized I wasn't willing to run to my lecture in them. I opted for my red vans that DESTROYED the back of my ankles (Warning: Do not wear sneakers without sox!) For the first time I purposely matched my lip color to my shoes and let the rest fall into place. I've also abused the light wash denim vest I stole from my sister, thanks Priscilla! & finally wore my $3 vulgar shirt. All in all, it was a good day. Went out to eat at Seven Saints with the roomies and enjoyed the bizarrely beautiful weather.



Monday, April 23, 2012

Casual Monday OOTD

It's Monday...again, and here I am - wondering why the weather is playing tricks on me. Motivation to dress up? All gone...sayonara. So here's a basic/casual OOTD. Nothing spectacular but still makes me feel like me. When in doubt, throw on your Chucks and spiked and you're set to go. Fingers crossed for better weather and inspiration to come my way. Enjoy the beginning of your week!



Sunday, April 22, 2012

Canon T3i

Hola! It's Sunday and my mom is here for Mom's Weekend! My family came down to visit me yesterday and it was well-needed seeing as how I haven't seen them in so long. It's always nice to feel the love. Anyways, this is another quick little post because I got a new camera on Friday! I got the Canon T3i as a mini-upgrade from my Nikon D60 ('s more than a mini upgrade), and I thought I'd post some of the very first pictures I shot with it when I was playing around. The first photos are shot with my roommate Ian's 50 mm lens and the last one is with the regular kit lens. I'm in love and can't wait to update the blog with more photos after I've learned all the cool things I can do with this camera.
Oh, and I will definitely post more OOTD's coming soon...the school year is coming to an end, but I gotta' make time for the things I love. Enjoy!

Supreme Cuts - Belly by Dovecote Records


Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's the Little Things

Jut thought I'd make a quick little compilation of the things that go on in my life, big or small - especially since it's a relaxed Sunday. PS: Listen to the song I added, it instantly makes me feel amazing. Enjoy!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Old OOTD & Catching Up

Since the last time I blogged I've: 1) turned 22 years old 2) gotten a kitty 3) had my sister over for her spring break 4) ombre has faded...significantly 5) re- pierced my lip, myself. So yeah, a lot has gone on from there 'til here but that's life! I'm currently stressing about life post-grad and wondering how close graduation is upon me. Moving past the headache consuming thoughts, I thought that I needed to revisit my blog and so I come bearing the 'gift' of an old outfit of the day. My sister, Lisa and I were running out to get some fro-yo and just walk around the quad so I plopped on some comfy clothes (aka the MOST soft tee on earth by Marc Jacobs, purple velvet leggings and my over-worn studded loafers) I'll get back to posting more frequently, I've just been busy with my kitty Mila and figuring out my life, nbd. Much love to you all, enjoy!


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