Thursday, September 15, 2011

TEEN VOGUE Fashion University

Just found out that I got accepted. The high the I am on is indescribable. 


(Photo courtesy of Tumblr)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

In A Funk

(Photo from Tumblr)

This picture, obstructed in a normative sense, has more fluidity than I do. Shit.


Thursday, September 08, 2011

In's & Out's No. 3

I'm back at it again, another In's & Out's! This morning has been a strange one for say the least. Not weird in the sense that strange things happened around me, weird in the sense of my mood, and for some reason it always tends to happen around this time. Let's just say, I'm waiting for 7 pm to roll around = get out of school and just relax!
(Photos courtesy of Tumblr)


- Fall weather! Even though it's not technically fall yet, this weather makes me excited, from the layers of clothes to sitting down on my couch with a nice warm tea watching the trees change color...cliche, I know, but it's ok.
- Dark lipstick colors. This has always been an 'in' for me. I wear black/berry/vampy lipstick all year round.
- Sheer and flowy materials. When I went to London this was everywhere, it was about time that the US caught on. 


- Un-motivated for school. There's nothing attractive about not being driven...get it together, Yumi!
- Feeling financially tied down - needs no explanation.
- My hair! Don't get me wrong, I like my hair, but I get bored with it so fast, so I have to do something about it soon. Time to book an appointment with my hair stylist.
- Nose studs my nose stud. Putting my hoop back in, tonight. 


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Lifestyle Choice No. 1: Yoga

(Photo courtesy of:
Today I attended a free yoga class that I signed up for 2-3 years ago (for yoga club). Finally dropped my shyness and worryness of looking like a fool and went out to the quad (alongside 150+ people - really glad that my friends came out, too!). The weather was perfect and it was really refreshing to feel in balance with myself. I used to do a bit of yoga but never really had someone teach me the right ways. The instructor was patient and had so many words of wisdom - it's what you might imagine straight out of the movies. I feel good about taking positive steps in life and this is definitely the beginning of positive lifestyle choices for me. I can't wait for the next class!

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