After tons of saving, researching and lusting - I pulled the trigger and bought the ALEXANDER WANG 'Rocco' bag w/ Rose Gold hardware a little over a month ago. I opted for the black pebbled leather and mygod, this baby is soft. When I first saw this back 1+ year ago, I instantly fell in love - the price tag definitely slowed my beating heart down. I gave myself a goal to treat myself after working at my first job post-grad for at least 1 year as a congratulations to starting off my career. I have probably asked at least 10+ different people if I should buy it and this is seriously one of the best materialistic purchases I have made. It is a bit heavy due to the studs at the bottom, but it was worth every penny! I bought it from Shopbop (click here to check it out) because I love their service.
I'm so happy, definitely poorer, but happy nonetheless.
I'm sure you'll see this purse in better photographs/more posts in the future.