Sunday, January 03, 2016

New Year, New Blog Name

Happy 2016!
To say that 2015 threw me for a loop would be a severe understatement. Sometimes life happens and you have to learn how to adjust — at your own pace, of course. As cliché as it might seem, the new year is a time for me to start fresh and readjust my priorities and set attainable goals. With this mindset, I finally decided to change my blog name. 

I outgrew the alias and direction of 'Obsessions & Collections' quicker than I could have anticipated. Letting it go left me with the ability to finally switch it over to my name — my real name. 

A lot of my life has been spent trying to please people, starting with my name. It was always "too complicated" to pronounce or "too weird" to write out, so I made it easier for people to just call me 'Yumi' or 'Umi'. So I guess I finally felt like it was the right time to reclaim my name and get back to my roots. So here we are — here I am YMIJAN

I'm a sporadic blogger and write/photograph/vlog about things from fashion to personal thoughts. I only blogged 8 times in 2015 and want to change that around. I'm ready for the new journey...again.

It's gonna' be a good one.   

1 comment

  1. Happy New Year! Love the updates and can't wait to see what's in store.


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