No weather will stop me from fulfilling my craving.
Of course it decided to rain the day I have off of work — cue Alanis Morissette's "Ironic."
I immediately woke up in the morning wanting a bubble tea or smoothie with tapioca — if you ever questioned my love of food, let me say it again: I WOKE UP WITH A DESIRE TO QUENCH MY BOBA THIRST BEFORE I EVEN GOT OUT OF BED TO BRUSH MY TEETH.
It was miserable out, but Lauren agreed to go on a journey with me to a place I had seen once when we were out...but forgot the name. With vague memories of what the place looked like and where it might have been located, we found the spot! We were just gonna go in for our drinks but stayed for an unexpected lunch — an afternoon Monday date, if you will.
I live for a good miso soup (sans tofu because of texture issues) and got my coconut boba.
We also got chicken lo mein and it was pure bliss.
I wasn't going to shoot any outfit pics (or any to share with the world, at least) since the lighting was terrible and I didn't have my "legit" camera on me. But I'm trying to document a little more, and thought, "Screw it, gonna take some photos anyways."
Also, can we please talk about my quarter pineapple ponytail? I hardly do anything to my hair and took 15 seconds to pull my pelo out of my face.

The weather might have sucked, but my day didn't. And if you're ever in the Lakeview area, check out Yummy Yummy — it lives up to its name!
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