Tuesday, July 12, 2011

unusual you

When I lay down at night I can't help but think of what's happening now. The way my heart palpitates, my uneven breathing, the shadows cast by the door against the mirror, the heat seeping through the crack of the window I forgot to close again. When I wake up in the afternoon I can't even think. Am I really just laying there not taking in anything? Naturally I just get up and go to the restroom then back to bed. When my mind clears up I think about how quickly the day is going to end. It was a constant pattern for quite some time, but once I started to run again that's where everything gets clear. Even though there are hundreds of visual distractions, my headphones blazing to the loudest they can, sweat dripping down my back, the sudden shin splits that creep up on me- there it is. I run and almost forget that I'm running because all my mind can concentrate on are my hopes, dreams, aspirations and I see them unfold. I see exactly where I want to be, doing what I crave to do. I see my success.
This isn't about the literal act of running, this is about me suppressing my abilities by staying stagnant for so long. I wasn't born to sleep on opportunities, I was born to charge after what I want


  1. great post :) too bad I can't share it on Tumblr...

  2. I posted it on my Tumnblr, too! I have the same name (freecitysoul) for my account there, just go through my archive and reblog if you like! & thank you :)


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