Thursday, June 16, 2011

My first: In's & Out's

I realized that I love it when other blogger post their what's 'In' and what's 'Out' for them, so I decided to do a short little one while I wait for my photos to upload onto Facebook!

- Curling my hair! I've been on a continuos hair-curling role and I love it because it gives me a clean, polished, look even if the rest of me is looking like a hot mess.

- Totes! They're so handy and fit so much in there (because I love to pack in 'just-in-case' materials). Plus, I bought so many in the UK...I gotta' put good use to those suckers.

- Chicago summer: beaches, downtown, good friends, and late night rendezvous

- Drinking tea. Oh yeah, I said it!

(Photo from Tumblr)

- Being happy...need I say more?


- Online summer courses. I really don't understand why they exist.

- Looking at my card statements and seeing how much money I've spent. It hurts...especially when high exchange rates are involved.

- Worrying about my life in 2 years. To move, or not to move...that is the question?

(Photo from Tumblr)


1 comment

  1. tea drinking and hair curling are deffiently in's.
    Worrying abotu the future is something i do alot. So it is deffiently a out


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