I've been having the weirdest time trying to balance work + life when I just want to go home and sleep at the end of the day; let's not even talk about how it takes me an hour to an hour and a half to go to work and the same time to come home...and that's with me living in the city. Born and raised in Chicago - whoopwhoop! And yes, the actual city.
Anyways, I've been in a lingering hiatus from updating my blog but I do update randomly but more frequently on Instagram. I'm a photo girl anyways and it's just easy to snap, upload and keep my day going.
Getting back into the swing of things is hard, but I have some exciting projects for this blog coming up and life in general seems to be taking unexpected twists and turns. So here's a little quick instarecap into what's been up.
If you want the synopsis without reading the end: shopping & eating.
From left to right:
1// Got new sunnies from UrbanOutfitters
2//Possibly my all time favorite boots that are filling the void of the Chloe's that I STILL WANT
3//My awesome Nike Dunk Sky Hi's that I got as a gift from da' best person eva
4//I bit the bullet and bought a Wildfox sweater and I'm not going to even think about the price...(yeah, even the sale price hurt a bit)
5//Before I bought the blue skeleton Wildfox sweater, I bought a fake Wildfox sweater lookalike (shipping was a bitch, and I definitely got it for $20)
6//New lipstick from MAC always make me so happy, it's the same one from my last post
7//Finally tried the Blue Print juice and I'm 50/50 about it - it did make me want to buy a juicer and just throw healthy looking things in there...worth the $10? NO
8//Scored 2 sweet UNIF tees at UO on sale from $70 t0 $20 ea. My love for UNIF has no limit.
9//I've been eyeing this hologram styled clutch by Deena & Ozzy since it hit the store but I forgot about it, went shopping and found it for $6 - it's online for a little bit more here
10//F21 pants that feel like PJs and only cost me $3 were such a great purchase - and yeah, I wore them to work
11//Wicker Park day dates that involve margaritas are the best kind
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