Saturday, September 08, 2012

In's & Out's No. 7

It's been a while since my last "In's & Out's", huh? Damn, I've been slacking but I've got some random ones in here that have been floating in my mind. Well, without much further ado:

The XX - Chained by SONAR BEAT

- Mixing metals. I used to be so wary about this but now I think it's fun and eclectic. It's nice to wear some gold and silver without them feeling like enemies
- Pineapple
- Messy top buns, but not too messy to the point that it is drooping on one side of your head. So easy, effortless and perfect for the summer, fall, winter and spring - or when you just don't feel like dealing with it at all
- The new XX album
- Laying in bed and reading September issues, sans any technology
- My baby nephew, Chase
- Mastering my everyday makeup routine in 7 minutes or less
- Hoodies and boots weather upon us!!!
- Travelling (always)

- Making life a routine since I've started my career and feeling as if I can't make time
- Mushrooms (always an 'out')
- Buying on a whim - it's become a bad trend recently, and that's not the best of problems to have when you already have a shopping problem
- Insomnia
- Monogrammed LV purses
- Limiting your abilities because of what you think you have to do, instead of discovering new wonders; let fear go, and just do.
- Silly arguments
- Running out the house with your shirt inside out


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