Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(Wo)Men Wear

As I take the train to downtown every morning, I realize how clean, crisp and on-point some of these Chicago men are dressing. The color palettes, awesome hair, unexpected print clashes and phenomenal shoes they are rockin' is seriously such a great highlight to my mornings; I'm currently obsessing over a pair of black velvet Louboutin loafers a man wears with light denim jeans and a plain v-neck...he, my friends, is what I need to be more of. Most importantly, I recognize that men are just as much of a driving force in fashion as women are. I catch myself drawing more inspiration from these beautiful individuals and wanted to post some of my favorite men's street-style photos that I've come across. But let's not forget, women can wear what men wear and vice versa! Have fun without limiting yourself to society's expectations and stereotypes!



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