Tuesday, April 25, 2017

You're Such A Space Case

Fun fact about me: I'm extremely terrified of space.
I'm also scared of deep — and I mean really really deep — water.
One time I told this to my friend and she called me out on a much larger panic I had brewing: fear of the unknown. 
So it is pretty ironic that I felt the need to buy this tee shirt, but maybe it's my subconscious telling me that the universe is NBD.
Anyways, there's nothing too spectacular to this outfit. I love these pants. I've been living for this shirt. These shoes make any outfit pop. Oh, and you already know that my collection of Quay x Desi sunnies are my favorite go-tos.

Top — Target / Pants — Asos / Shoes — Asos / Sunnies — Quay
Photos by LadyLooLauren.

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