Cheers to the first post of the year!
So as the year of 2011 came to an end, I was lucky enough to spend it with my best friend watching one of our favorite shows (Misfits), eating a delicious meal prepped by my mommy, and going out to ring in the new year in Wicker Park with the best person in the universe...yes, I said the universe. It was magical *cue fairy dust sounding know what I'm talking about*
So as the year of 2011 came to an end, I was lucky enough to spend it with my best friend watching one of our favorite shows (Misfits), eating a delicious meal prepped by my mommy, and going out to ring in the new year in Wicker Park with the best person in the universe...yes, I said the universe. It was magical *cue fairy dust sounding know what I'm talking about*
I always feel that you do not have to wait for a full 365 days to start something new, you can create and act at any time of the year. I will, however, follow through with some of my New Year's Resolutions for the new year (some that I'm working on, and others that are nice to think about).
I hope everyone had a beautiful celebration, enjoy the music, list and photos!
PS:. The list could be endless, but I'll stick to 10.
Laugh more. It's one of those feelings you get that just make your day a hundred times better...especially when it's one of those 'I-can't-breathe-right-now-but-o.m.g.-this-is-too-epic-not-to...still-can't-breathe-I'm-crying* laughs.
Be more active. I sincerely enjoy running and some sports (ie. volleyball and tennis), so why not indulge in it more often if it makes me feel good?
Shoot photos in film. No matter what anyone says, film can't die, even if it is only one person's passion - it can't die.
Travel. Thankfully I've been doing it more and it's making me experience life on a different level. I love it!
Try new food. I'm a creature of habit when it comes to food, so if you have any good recommendations, let me know! Even better if my hands get messy :)
Fall asleep on my roof. <-- Pretty straight-forward.
Chase the career path I think is intangible. Currently in progress :)
DO GOOD. It's easy to get wrapped up in my own world, but I have to remember that what I put into life, I will receive when life gives back.
Go out more/socialize. Life's too short to not cross paths with people who are spectacular.
Embrace myself. I'm not going to lie, I can be hard on myself, but that's only a disservice to the potential I have. *In progress, as well*
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