As I'm sitting here, thinking of something clever to write for my post I can't help but think: Man, I'm really diggin' these British artists--I'm also thinking that I should watch Sex and the City from the first episode...especially since E! plays it daily. See how my mind jumps from one random thing to the next? So, today's weather has been stagnantly gloomy giving me little to no motivation in dressing up or doing anything proactive, for that matter. When this happens...I become an 'almost' repeat offender. I wore the same shirt and shorts I wore to a friend's birthday last weekend, oops! Who cares, I spent more time thinking about what I wanted to eat than what to dress up in.
Besides the daily cheap-quickie-outfits I post to entertain myself, I wanted to speedily hit on a topic that's been flying all over the place. Confidence. I, admittedly, have been going through a time where I feel like I wish I was taller, definitely wishing I was skinnier, and praying for awesome looking skin--but it hit me like a ton of bricks: why was I letting these miniscule things stop me from being confident in other areas of my life (ie. school, going out, etc.)? I really let these things put a halt on my social life (not completely, but it definitely affected some of it). Then I sit here and listen to other girls say the same things and I give them advice...hypocritically enough. I think it's time to start taking my own advice and living my life with no aesthetic constraints. Everyone should feel beautiful. Everyone has a right to be happy with themselves.
Now I present to you my questionable outfit, haha.

When tights get 'wrinkly' it looks funny.

My beautiful ring from the Dominican Republic!

Trying to read my favorite magazine ever! But the wind was not letting me...

See how windy it was? See how my hair is trying to mimic the 'Ombre' hair style, but it really is just
roots taking over.

I just love this shirt, it's so different from anything I own.

I leave you with one of my ALL TIME favorite singers (Jessie J) and one of my favorite songs 'Who You Are'. So inspiring.
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